Congratulations to...
Skoots1mom of the My Hands...His Glory blog won
the Santa Fe Mittens Kit
Knititall won the Rogland Half Mitts pattern
Carmen aka cnuland on Ravelry won the
Summer Evening Shawl pattern
Please email me at to claim your prize!
And Thank You to everyone who entered!
Day and night I'm on a quest to bring you new yarns and patterns, its second nature to me. I love this hunt, often times a customer will bring me a lead, a very special designer or yarn they've fallen in love with. Or I'll be browsing Ravelry and discover a popular designer that I've not heard of as of yet, that's exactly what happened with Randi K of Randi K Designs.
I found one of her stranded mitten patterns, Emilia, and was immediately impressed. This intricate design was knit in the humble, workhorse yarn Cascade 220 Wool. And Randi's eye for color is expert, the mix of light green with purple and blue was beautiful. And I especially loved the way she ribbed the wrist to cinch it, adding extra warmth, a thoughtful, relatively simple detail that you may not even appreciate until a cold winter day.
Randi is originally from Norway, but she now resides of all places in Houston, TX! She is from a long line of knitters and has learned at the hands of masters. Randi incorporates many traditional Norwegian knitting techniques and motifs passed down to her from her mother and grandmother, including her phenomenal color combinations. But she does so in a way that the knitter can share her heritage.
There will be 3 winners for this giveaway:
Prize 1 - Santa Fe Mittens Set which includes the pattern and 3 balls of Cascade 220 Wool, the winner will get to will select one of the color mixes shown on my site.
Prize 2 - Rogaland Half Mitten pattern
Prize 3 - Summer Evening Shawl pattern

This lovely shawl can be worn year round, the pattern includes charts and written instructions.
Now let's meet Randi K...
"I was born and raised on the Southwest coast of Norway. Knitting is a part of the culture, and due to a colder climate, knitted clothing is a necessity. My grandmother had 9 children to dress, and she would spin, knit, weave and sew, to keep them warm. If she went to get the mail or to visit with a neighbor, I was told that she would keep a ball of yarn in the pocket of her apron, and knit as she walked. She worked hard and couldn't waist the time.
My mother was taught well and kept the tradition going. She made clothes for all of us children, and having experienced World War II, surviving on very little, she got to be pretty creative, remaking new clothing out of old. I loved to watch her sew, draw and paint. She inspired me, and she taught me a lot of things.
As a little girl I loved knitting doll clothes, and my mother would give me all her remnant yarn. I wound them into little balls, and kept them in a bag, my treasure. Later on, being a mother myself, I made most all my children's clothing, especially when they where young. I couldn't always afford buying them new clothes for all occasions, and knitting and sewing was fun. The knitting needles were especially busy during the winter months.
My education is in Graphic Design and before moving to the US in 1997 I worked with advertising in Norway. The need for creating never ends. but the fields can change... Pencil drawing, water coloring, sewing, quilting and knitting have all been my passions. Knitting is where I escape to relax, simultaneously creating and writing new patterns. The step from Graphic Design is small, as it's all shapes and colors to me.
Inspiration can come from colors, nice yarn, from nature and happenings. In the past I had often made my own one of a kind clothing, but never really thought of writing it as a pattern for others to follow. A few years ago my sister had breast cancer and I made the Helene mittens in her name, and wanted the income from that specific pattern to go towards cancer research. That was the beginning of many mitten patterns, although people often wonder how I can make mittens, living in Texas. Well, I do. Maybe its a connection to my roots."
Thank you Randi for telling us about yourself, I'm happy to hear that the heat and humidity of Houston has not damped your knitting spirit in any way!
To learn more about Randi and her design process visit her Facebook Page, Randi K Design and also her blog, In My Mother's Name.
Please take a moment to enjoy Randi's patterns. All of her designs are sold as PDFs that are emailed to you after purchase with no shipping fees.
This set is knit in the classic red and white and features the Norwegian Christmas motif of hearts and snowflakes.
There will be 3 winners for this giveaway and they'll be announced on Nov. 29th. All three patterns will be emailed to the winners.
Enter this Giveaway: The more ways you enter, the more chances you have to win and make sure to leave a comment telling what you did to enter. And please make sure to leave your contact information.
1. Tell us why you should win one of these Randi K Designs patterns.
2. Tell us which design is your favorite and why.
3. Blog about this giveaway on your blog and link it, leave a comment under this blogpost with the link back to your blogpost.
4. Join my Ravelry group, and introduce yourself in the "Welcome tell us about yourself..." thread.
5. Announce this giveaway in your Ravelry group, or in a Ravelry group that allows you to announce Blog giveaways.
6. Friend me a Facebook: Sandra Singh and leave a comment under my post about this Giveaway
7. Announce this giveaway, with a link on Facebook
8. Visit my Facebook Page: and hit "Like"
9. Follow me on Twitter: Sandrasingh
10. Announce this giveaway with a link on Twitter
11. Friend or Fan me on Plurk: Sandrasinghcom
12. Announce this giveaway with a link on Plurk
13. Sign up for my Newsletter on my Home Page
14. Sign up to "Follow My Blog"
15. Tell your fellow knitters in your knitting circle about this giveaway.
16. No Purchase Necessary to Enter, but are you a customer? Leave a comment about your experience and purchase.
lately I am so loving shawls so it would be the Summer Evening Shawl.
msgb245 at gmail dot com
I like the pattern that is on the Scandinavia Hat and mittens.
I received your news letter.
I'd love to win a pattern so I can practice my colorwork and stay warm this winter!
I love the Folklore mittens. Lovely design and blend of colors.
i follow your blog...
i shared the link with my
'knitting/crocheting' group
i would love to win one of the patterns and try it out...i've never attempted a pattern so intricate...this would certainly challenge me.
my daughter is in college and hasn't liked any of my patterns for items think these would light up her eyes and she would want me to make her a pair of any of these mittens or half mittens.
my favorite pattern is the half mittens...because here in GA we have fewer 'below 32*' weather...and it can wear those while getting things done around the house or even while i continue to knit.
added a link back to your blog about the giveaway, here:
Posted a link to my blog on my facebook account :)
Great giveaway! Again! Especially the baby cardigan, it looks superb.
Have a nice day all! Ciao, Fleur
I should win one of these patterns because I love them all and would be perfectly delighted with any of them. If I had to choose just one, it would be the shawl.
(sisterrobinson on Ravelry)
I am from Rogaland -the name of the mittens.
I follow her blog.
I am a member of your Raverly group.
I receive your newsletter.
I follow your blog.
I really like shawl patterns, the Summer Evening Shawl is very pretty. I also like the Rogland Half-Mittens.
I should win this package because it would make a great Christmas present for me to find under my tree.
I love the shawl and I am ready to put one on the needles. Shawls are my weakness.
I love these patterns! I'm of Norwegian descent and have always loved the way their knits look. I would love to win these patterns to make them for my family.
I love Baby Tyra - my daughter would look so cute wearing this, and make her Norwegian grandmas proud!
I already follow you on twitter (cmouse01)
I now follow your blog (GFC)
I'm a member of the Ravelry group (cnuland)
I love the Emilia mittens and would love a pair with that cuff flare. Beautiful patterns.
I also follow your blog with Google reader.
I am also your friend on facebook!
I'd love to win as I'm on a yarn diet at the moment; I'm not allowed to buy, but I am allowed to win. That and I love colourwork.
I love the Emilia mitts best
sewsable on rav
I'd love to win because I never win things! It's my turn.
I should win to help me connect with my ancestors! I'm of Danish ancestry rather than Norwegian, but the background is quite similar.
All of her colorwork designs are just gorgeous - but I really like the Emilia mitten for the cuff construction and the picot edging. Just small details, but ones that really elevate the design to something special.
I 'like' you on Facebook.
I follow your blog
I'm signed up for your newsletter.
I should win because I REALY love her patterns.
gussek at hotmail dot com
My fav pattern is
Rogland Half Mittens.
Debbie H
gissek at hotmail dot com
I belong to your ravelry group. Debbie H
gussek on Ravelry
I'm your friend on facebook and commented on your post. Debbie H
gussek at hotmail dot com
I follow you on Twitter.
Debbie h
gussek at hotmail dot com
I tweeted about your giveaway. Debbie h
gussek at hotmail dot com
I get your newsletter. Debbie H
gussek at hotmail dot com
I follow your blog. Debbie H
gussek at hotmail dot com
I emailed my sister a link to your blog. Debbie H
gussek at hotmail dot com
I'm working on a 2 handed fair isle gift bag now and would love to do some other colorwork projects.
1. I should win one of these patterns because I’m of Scandinavian decent, like Randi. Okay, Danish, not Norwegian, but still …! I’ve always loved Scandinavian fair isle designs. Rav amchart
2. I think the Rogland Half Mittens are my favorite because of the play of colors and the lace look of the edging. Rav amchart
13. I receive your Newsletter. Rav amchart
15. Sent a message to my Monday Night Knitters group about the giveaway. Rav amchart
16. I loved my purchase from Hard to find item quickly shipped right to me. Rav amchart
I've only started to enjoy stranded knitting this year. Before that I was always whining when doing this kind of knitting, but now I enjoy it (mostly). It's hard to say which one I like best, but I think from the ones in this blog post it's the Rogland Half mittens.
would love to have this sweater be my first steeking project.
amyknit40 on rav
I'd love to win because it would be a nice treat to look forward to once I have time for knitting again.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
My favourite design is the Odin mittens because I love the geometric pattern.
ikkinlala AT yahoo DOT ca
Entry 1 of 7 -- Why I should win one of these Randi K Designs patterns: Why not? Because I say so! 8^) More seriously, I support independent designers as best I can, and I volunteer my time to teach basic knitting skills to academically challenged teens attending public schools to improve math and critical thinking. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 2 of 7 -- My favorite design is Emilia. Why: I already know that Cascade 220 won't be a source of frustration, and -- while the colorway shown is great -- I'll be able to find nearly any color I might want in that yarn. The design appears intricate but will be simpler to execute than it seems and well within my known capabilities (hey, you asked!). Mainly, though, the result will be gorgeous, and I will have had fun knitting it! I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 3 of 7 -- I joined your Ravelry group (Sandra Singh) and introduced myself in the welcome thread there. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 4 of 7 -- I announced this giveaway in the Ravelry group I Make Mittens. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 5 of 7 -- I signed up for your newsletter on your home page. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 6 of 7 -- I signed up to follow your blog privately via my GoogleMail account. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
Entry 7 of 7 -- I told my weekly knitting circle located in metro Phoenix (AZ) about the giveaway. I am gkgreen on Ravelry and; thanks for the giveaway!
I should like to be a winner so I can try these patterns and practice some new techniques!
The Santa Fe Mittens pattern is my favorite. I like the colors used and the bird pattern.
Oh, this must be for me! I was a long time Houston resident and a die-hard knitter there. I now live in Santa Fe, NM! My ex was a second generation Norwegian-American. Too many connections!
I would love the Santa Fe mittens! Recently moved to Costa Rica and I miss my knitting friends and Friday morning knitting at Panera. When I knit here, I keep thinking of my friends! Not in a sad way, but in a happy way! Would love to knit these mittens to give as a gift to a friend living where it's cold!
I'd like to try a pattern with the exact yarn called for! Usually I just use what I have or can get near me.
I like the look of the Santa Fe Mittens the best. But I'd be more tempted to do something like the Emilia Mittens because there aren't as long spaces between two colours.
I love the Santa Fe mittens!
I follow your blog! These are beautiful designs. I am currently in a shawl obsession.this one is beautiful. czsknits on ravelry
I am from New Mexico and very interested in the Santa Fe inspired mittens.
I posted about the giveaway on my blog -
I have just gotten into colorowk and would love to try the Emilia mittens or, really, any of her mitt patterns.
My favourite pattern is definitely the Scandinavia Hat and Scandinavia Mittens, I love the classic colours and the shaping on the hat
Also, I'd love to win because I really need some mittens or gloves but can't really justify buying the yarn for them at the moment
And I follow you blog
I think I should win one of these patterns to help me get over my fear of colorwork.
The Rogland half mittens are my favorite because the flower pattern is beautiful and they're so nice and colorful.
I follow you on twitter @Knititall
I tweeted here:!/Knititall/status/139670368217604097
I'm signed up for your newsletter.
And I follow your blog :)
Would love to start doing colorwork and the mittens would be a perfect way to begin.
Of course I'm entering..I should win because its my birthday week.
wow. too many beautiful object to pick a favorite. if i must, it's the scandinavian hat & mittens. love colorwork mittens.
just posted the link on my facebook page
I would love to win a pattern because they are so lovely and i discovered another designer to rav stalk!
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